Jesus Crew Street Ministries
Jesus Crew Street Ministries

On The Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Israel


Throughout the years we have made 4 trips to Israel and have had the opportunity to share the gospel on the streets of Israel. As we walked thru Yad VaShem Memorial and Holocaust Museum we were shocked at what we saw and read of the history of Israel at the hands of the so-called church fathers. We don't claim any ties with the so-called church fathers at all. We stand with the early church that goes back all the way to Jesus Christ and the disciples. We as true Christians have our roots with the first Christians which were Jews and have nothing to do with these early so-called church fathers, When we first became Christians in 1984, we thought that we were Protestants, but as we study God's Word and the history of time past, we conclude that we are just born again Christians and are not protestants and we reject the protestant reformers and their heretical teachings. As we studied the true history, we have found that most of the early church fathers were murderers, persecuters and haters of the Jews. Please read this brief history of some so-called church fathers.
Martin Luther
John Calvin
Psalms 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

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